Buyer FAQs

If your question cannot be answered by these FAQs, please contact the VisitScotland Connect 2025 Team and a member of the team will be happy to assist.

Event Registration

When does the event take place?

VisitScotland Connect 2025 will be taking place at the P&J Live Aberdeen on 9 - 10 April 2025.

  • Wednesday 9 April, from 9am - 5pm BST 

  • Thursday 10 April, from 9am - 3:30pm BST 

How do I register?

Please submit your buyer registration via the link on our event website. Register with a new username and password as previous credentials will have expired. Spaces are limited and we encourage you to secure your space early.

Fill in the registration form including contact details, company name and your buyer profile. Your registration will be reviewed by our Market Team and approved if you fulfil the participation criteria detailed in the Who can take part in this event section.

Who can take part in this event?

Intermediaries such as tour operators, wholesalers, travel agents, travel advisors and Destination Management Companies (DMCs) can register their interest to attend. VisitScotland Connect is intended for buyers responsible for product development and/or contracting.

Developing sustainable tourism is an integral focus of VisitScotland and our flagship tradeshow, VisitScotland Connect 2025. Therefore, we require intermediaries (buyers) to demonstrate their responsible approach to programme development in Scotland.  

Buyers need to demonstrate potential for programme development in 2025, 2026 and beyond, with intent to align with Scotland's tourism ambitions, including, but not limited to:

  • delivering positive geographic spread
  • delivering positive seasonal spread 
  • delivering inclusive travel, slow travel and immersive experiences 
  • maximising positive benefits of tourism for host communities and the environment. 
  • promoting low-carbon products and travel options.

Buyer spaces are limited and registrations are subject to VisitScotland approval.

Who will I meet at this event?

Scottish tourism businesses that are offering a tourism product that can be contracted at trade rates. Eligible businesses will either be based in Scotland or have a Scottish office. Registrations are subject to approval for Scottish tourism businesses. 

Suppliers will be seated at numbered meeting tables and buyers will move around the room to join their one to one meetings. 

How much does it cost to attend?

There is no registration fee for buyers to attend VisitScotland Connect 2025. 

What if I don't qualify to attend?

You can schedule one to one online meetings with your respective VisitScotland Market Manager to discuss your needs and further support.

Enquiries can be made via email to

Event Days & Meeting Schedules

My event registration was approved. What should I do next?

Your meeting diary will open in February 2025 for you to request one to one meetings with Scottish suppliers. Please keep up to date with e-mails received from EventsAir or VisitScotland Connect 2025 to ensure you are aware of all reminders and actions. 

Once suppliers are approved to attend the event you can download the latest supplier list via the Actions tab in the buyer portal. Please get in touch with your Market Manager if you need support in identifying the right contacts for you to meet.

Can I meet someone from a VisitScotland Market Team?

We recommend buyers use their time to meet with Scottish suppliers. Our Market Teams will be in attendance throughout the event and will be on hand for any enquiries on the day. 

If you would like to request a meeting with a member of our Market Team, please contact you Market Manager or

How many meeting diaries are there?

There is one meeting diary per buyer, with up to 24 available appointment slots per day.

Will you offer familiarisation (fam) trips to buyers and how can I take part in this?

Yes, as part of VisitScotland Connect 2025 a fam trip programme will be offered to eligible buyers. Buyer spaces are limited and participation in fam trips is subject to VisitScotland approval.

How long is one meeting?

Every meeting is scheduled to last 12 minutes. There will be additional  meeting slots available for unscheduled appointments. Breaks will also be built into the event schedule. The event programme will be made available in the near future.

Will there be a networking dinner I can take part in?

Yes, as part of VisitScotland Connect 2025 there will be a networking dinner on Wednesday 9 April. Details will be shared in our event programme communications closer to the event.

How do I schedule a meeting?

Both buyers and Scottish suppliers can request meetings via their respective event portals. Once meeting diaries are open you will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to request and accept meetings with suppliers. VisitScotland Connect 2025 is a workshop style event and we recommend arriving at the P&J Live with a full diary of pre-arranged appointments.

Can buyers meet with other buyers?

We recommend that buyers use meeting slots to connect with Scottish suppliers and network with other buyers during break times.

How many meetings should I book?

In order to meet as many suppliers as possible, we would suggest that you aim to book a full diary of meetings on both event days. There will be over 200 suppliers in attendance, and you could arrange up to 24 meetings a day.

Will there be Wi-Fi?

There will be access to free public Wi-Fi at the venue.

Will there be additional time for unscheduled meetings?

Time slots have been included before comfort breaks and the lunch breaks to allow for unscheduled meetings. During these unscheduled meeting time slots, you can drop by and meet with suppliers at their workshop meeting table on a first come first served basis without prior arrangements. You will not be able to pre-book meetings in the meeting diary during unscheduled meeting times. 

Breaks have been included throughout the event for your comfort. Refreshments like teas and coffees will be provided, and there's also a café on site for further requirements. 

What additional content will be available as part of this event?

There will be an event app launched in the lead up to the event.

More information on the full VisitScotland Connect 2025 event programme will be shared in the near future.

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Company number SC264598
Registered office address C/O VisitScotland, Waverley Court,
4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH8 8BG
Company status - Active
Company type- Private limited Company
Incorporated on8 March 2004